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Ma’am is superb in her way of counselling very empathetic a great listener. RV counselling is very professional and take efforts to give appointment at earliest. Ma’am attends me in a great manner always taking a lot of time…..and tries her best to understand the perspective from my point of you. Mental health is very […]
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My son had bad handwriting and spelling mistakes for which I don’t have any remedy. So I thought of taking some experts help. RV counselling helped me not only in this but also counselled me and my husband for the future prospective of him. Their professional approach, problem understanding and experience is worth mentioning here.
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From having guidance after 12th standard to seeking best options for post graduation, time has passed really fast. But the tips, tricks, guidance, and best options feel fresh till date. Today, I am an English Content Writer, pursuing vedic sciences as a hobby along with the job. The entire credit for having a confusion-free life […]
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I am a mother of 4 children and growing up, like any other mother I had concern for the careers, especially what will suit them the best and in what they will thrive in. Upon hearing about RV counseling services, I had all my children seek their counseling, and they loved it. They gained so […]

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Very useful and objective assessment that helps to proactively align for career of child in advance. The comprehensive report of assessment brings the potential strengths of the candidate that supports a lot. The interaction post assessment gives the lead which is driven by facts instead of assumptions. I strongly recommend this assignment for every parent […]

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Invaluable help to capitalize on my strengths which has been instrumental for me to excel in the area of my interest

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I was very confused in my life about the various options to choose from and my primary motivation for pursuing my current degree program has been Dr Roopali at RV Counselling. Thanks