OCD Counselling

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a chronic disorder where a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over again. Engaging in these repetitive acts and thoughts is a way to reduce and manage a person’s anxiety. Many people with OCD are fully aware that their thoughts and behaviors aren’t rational, however, they are still not capable of resisting their compulsions. This is because once the brain is trained to become engaged in a particular thought pattern or urge,  it’s too difficult not to give into the thoughts and habitual behaviors.

Individuals with OCD usually experience both obsessions and compulsions that can present a long list of challenges. However, some people may experience only obsessions or only compulsions. The severity of symptoms may change over time but often worsens during excessive periods of high stress and/or anxiety. Below the difference between obsessions and compulsions are explained.

Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that create anxiety. Common symptoms include:

  • Fear of germs or contamination
  • Unwanted forbidden or taboo thoughts involving sex, religion, and harm
  • Aggressive thoughts towards others or self
  • Having things symmetrical or in a perfect order

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include:

  1. Excessive cleaning and/or handwashing
  2. Ordering and arranging things in a particular, precise way
  3. Repeatedly checking on things, such as repeatedly checking if the door is locked or that the oven is off
  4. Compulsive counting

Anger Management

Anger management refers to a process. It can help people identify stressors. People learn steps to help them stay calm in anger management. They may then handle tense situations in a constructive, positive way.

The purpose of anger management is to help a person decrease anger. It reduces the emotional and physical arousal that anger can cause. It is generally impossible to avoid all people and settings that incite anger. But a person may learn to control reactions and respond in a socially appropriate manner. The support of a mental health professional may be helpful in this process.


Many different events can make someone angry. These may include:


  1. Internal events such as perceived failures, injustices, or frustrations
  2. External events such as loss of property or privileges, teasing, or humiliation 

Anger may result in externalizing behaviors. These can include verbal arguments and tantrums. Anger can also cause internalizing behaviors. Internalizing behaviors can include sulking or increased symptoms of depression. People may show anger through aggression. Aggression is the biological function of anger. It is an evolutionary response that helps prepare people to fight off threats.

Inappropriate displays of anger may mean a more serious mental health or emotional issue exists. People who receive anger management therapy learn skills to slow their reaction to anger. This can help them identify the reason for their feelings. The roots of anger may be buried in emotional trauma, addiction, grief, or other issues. But a natural inclination may be to find temporary relief in lashing out. This can obscure the true cause of the anger. If this is the case for you, working with Dr. Sheeta Sharma might be helpful.

Anger management courses are beneficial for people in the fields of business or health care. They also benefit people who are court-referred. Anger management may benefit anyone seeking to improve their relationships with others. But this treatment may be particularly helpful for certain social groups.

Anger management therapy focuses on helping the client overcome an emotional block. The goal of the therapy is to help the individual identify and overcome emotional stressors, especially stressors that cause hyper-emotional reactions such as anger.

Common strategies introduced during anger management therapy include:

  • Impulse Control
  • Increased Self-awareness
  • Meditation
  • Breathing Techniques
  • Relaxation Strategies
  • Personal Reflection
  • Emotional Awareness

Dr. Sheetal uses similar therapeutic intervention approaches to help clients deal with other emotions, such as sadness and fear, that may be interfering with their quality of life. The difference between anger management therapy and more global therapeutic support is that during anger management therapy, the entire focus of the clinical session is on addressing the cause of and response to anger. The most commonly utilized form of therapy for anger management is cognitive behavioral therapy, as this form of therapeutic intervention uses individualized strategies to help individuals identify and overcome emotional stressors.

Psychotherapy for Depression

Everyone experiences sadness at times. But depression is something more. Depression is extreme sadness or despair that lasts more than days. It interferes with the activities of daily life and can even cause physical pain. Fortunately, depression is highly treatable.

Depression affects different people in different ways, but most of them experience:

  • Prolonged sadness or feelings of emptiness
  • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
  • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Anger and irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue
  • Changes in sleep patterns
  • Appetite changes
  • Chronic pain, headaches or stomach aches
  • Loss of interest in activities
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Thoughts of death or suicide

Depression is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, social and environmental factors. People who have a family history of depression, and people with serious chronic diseases such as heart disease or cancer, are at an increased risk of depression. Major life changes, trauma and stress can also bring about an episode of depression, although some episodes of depression begin without any obvious external cause.

Dr. Sheetal is a highly trained psychotherapy professional with experience in helping patients recover from depression. Several different approaches to psychotherapy have been shown to help individuals recover from depression, especially those with mild to moderate depression. Psychotherapy can help people with depression to:

  1. Pinpoint life events that contribute to their depression and help them find ways to change, accept or adapt to those situations.
  2. Set realistic goals for the future.
  3. Identify distorted thought processes or unhelpful behaviors that contribute to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.
  4. Develop skills to cope with symptoms and problems, and identify or prevent future episodes of depression.

Stress Management

Stress itself is not a disease, but it leads to a breakdown in psychological, body and brain functioning.  Stress is disease causing. If stress is not relieved, damage occurs. As your body and brain experience your reactions to stress triggers, You have become the stressor itself.

We all react differently to stressful situations. What is stressful to one person may not be stressful to another. Almost anything can cause stress. For some people, just thinking about something or several small things can cause stress. How we react to a situation will affect how stress affects us and our health. A person who feels they do not have enough resources to cope will be more likely to have a stronger stress reaction, and also can trigger health problems.

Common stress triggers are:

  • Who am I ?  What is my life purpose? 
  • Being bullied 
  • Discrimination 
  • Job issues or retirement
  • Lack of time or money
  • Bereavement
  • Family problems
  • Illness
  • Moving away from home
  • College
  • Relationships, marriage, and divorce

There are many techniques to deal with stress, the underlying issues that trigger stress, and the hazards of stress. If you feel stressed out, or overwhelmed, you should know that life doesn’t have to be this way. Together, you and Dr. Sheetal will look into your life to find the sources of your stress, stress triggers, and figure out what to change, or implement. These things may involve your work, your family, or all other areas of your personal life. You will also learn techniques and coping skills to help you relax.

It is not necessary to practice meditation, but Dr. Sheetal will teach these proven scientific techniques if you have an interest. Typically, individuals who visit with Dr. Sheetal for stress management counseling are experiencing problems sleeping, difficulty relaxing, constantly feel a pressure to do the next thing on their agenda, and just want to relax or chill out, but seem to have forgotten how.

These individuals are typically very busy, high achieving, and ambitious people who work hard and are searching for a sense of tranquility and balance in their life. Dr. Sheetal will work with you to learn about sources of stress in your life, as well as ways that you have tried to manage stress in the past. Once Dr. Sheetal has learned about your personal stressors, she will recommend a program to help you de-stress or chill out. Individuals often benefit from sampling a variety of techniques to find the ones that are most relaxing and restorative to better health and productive functioning.

Technology De-addiction

Technology addiction is a type of behavioural addiction, characterised by an over-reliance on or excessive use of technological devices. 

Unhealthy relationships with technology such as mobile phones, computers, games and social media can have destructive consequences; physically and psychologically. Lives can be impaired by the extensive and unregulated time ‘online’.

If you feel your reliance on technology is causing problems in your life, you should seek help. Recovery from a technology addiction is possible, and early intervention will normally produce more positive outcomes.

Signs and symptoms of technology addiction
  • Spending increasing amounts of time on the device, whether it be a mobile phone, the internet or anything else
  • Failing to limit time spent using the device 
  • Neglecting to spend time with family and friends 
  • Neglecting hygiene or personal appearance
  • Work or school attendance and/or performance is slipping
  • Anger when someone criticises the amount of time you spend online
  • Withdrawing from other hobbies or things you once enjoyed 
  • Usage interferes with other responsibilities
  • Feeling restless and anxious when not using
  • Forgoing necessary sleep to use

Some people do recover from addiction with no professional treatment, and there is not only one path. However, the evidence is clear – professional treatment works and makes it more likely that people begin recovery and continue in recovery.

The three core elements involved in technology de-addiction are:

  1. Interpersonal therapy: Interpersonal therapy giving emphasis on interpersonal sensitivity and how this relates to discomfort in face-to-face time with others.
  2. Tech hygiene: The meaning of your relationship to technology is explored, regardless of the device or platform. This is supported by other therapies including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, relaxation and sleep therapy which work on managing the energy or level of arousal that follows prolonged gaming and focuses on how to ‘switch off and disconnect’.
  3. Life skills and health: Prolonged periods of technology addiction compromise confidence in facing the demands of life in the external world but also physically where individuals may suffer poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity.