Career Counseling
Each individual is unique and special in their own right. Therefore choosing a career that is right for them is an individual process. It can often be confusing because of all of the information floating all around.
Young people often feel confused about which field to choose after grade 10 or 12. Some feel dissatisfied with their choices and want to make sure that the chosen path is the correct one. While, yet others want to change the field midway. Either way, young students and adults need help when it comes to choosing the right career.
Career Counselling helps in the proper choice of career and minimizes the mismatch between aptitude and employment.
Why Career Counselling is important?
Most people spend a third of their lives at work, however over 50% report unhappiness or dissatisfaction on some level. This can lead to issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, etc. Therefore in order to have a happy and fulfilling life one must choose a career that is rewarding in every sense. This decision and choice can be daunting and therefore comes in the role of career counseling and a counselor.
Career counseling helps people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that works for them. It eliminates doubt and fear because an expert has guided you through the various steps with the use of scientific tools and psychometric analysis.
Some of the following questions may be helpful for narrowing your choices when choosing a career:-
- What do I enjoy doing?
- What kinds of activities are fun and fulfilling for me?
- What am I good at?
- What is my skill set?
- What qualifications do I have, such as a degree or experience?
- How much money do I need to make to feel satisfied?
- What jobs are available in the place(s) I’d like to live?
- Do I want to travel?
- What are my values?
- Is it important to me to be of service to others?
- Am I looking for intensely challenging work or something relatively easy?
- Am I willing to do what others tell me without question, or would I rather make most decisions on my own?
- To what degree do I need stability and security?
At RVCS, Dr. Roopali and her team focus on providing quality career guidance to students from eighth grade onwards at an affordable cost.
The services are offered both online and in-person.
We do a detailed intake to understand the issues faced by the client. We follow up the intake with a battery of psychometric tests for assessment of the interest, persona, IQ, aptitude, and skills. These tests help to eliminate human error to a large degree and give a scientific basis to the initial diagnosis. This is followed up by individual counseling sessions.
We help people to notice their strengths and make an informed choice about their future. We believe in enabling the client instead of merely handing out information on a platter. This way our clients whether children or adults come up with answers to various dilemmas on their own with our guidance. We act as facilitators by nudging and urging the clients in the direction that is most well-suited to their personality.
If you are an adult with a job and are feeling dissatisfied with your current career, we have a specialized career development program. We help you with the discovery of a new future and the path leading to it.
Sometimes if you have a job, and it feels like you are destined to do something more. In other words, you’re not comfortable where you are. You want to make a significant contribution and the position you’re in is not letting you do that. Well, this is the right time you should start building a new reality for yourself.
We partner with you whether you are a child or an adult such that you feel that you have a dependable and knowledgeable person to look up to. We explore skills and strengths, education level, and discuss various possible areas such as continuing education, foreign universities, or jobs. We also guide you towards how to get the next promotion or how to improve your position within your current job or career.
The Career Awareness and Assessment Program (CAAP)
CAAP is Dr. Roopali’s signature program designed to help students with career discovery and choosing the best-suited route. Following are the steps we follow for each participant. Each step is individually customized based on the needs of the clients.
A Pre-Test Session
An interactive session on systematic Career Planning is given in which the participants get an overview of the steps involved in career planning. It includes a PowerPoint presentation giving the students an introduction to Career Planning. This is followed by a brief questionnaire to get an idea about them.
Test Session (32 hours approx)
- Conducting Aptitude Tests ( paper-pencil tests ) measuring different aptitudes namely- Verbal, Numerical, Reasoning, Closure ability, Perceptual Speed, and Accuracy, Mechanical, Spatial, and Psycho-motor ability.
- Conducting a Personality Questionnaire.
- Conducting Interest tests to measure likes and dislikes.
- Conducting a test to measure their IQ Capacity.
This is followed by the evaluation of the tests and a report is generated for every client.
Post-Test Session
Reporting of Results and Counselling. The results of the psychometric tests are given to students individually or shared with parents depending upon the age of the student.
Career Information Program- Suitable for students
Career Information Program- Suitable for students of six ninth grade and above and is of 1 hour duration . The participants get an overview ofabout the steps involved in career planning and it includes a power point presentation questionnaire to evaluate personality and interest. Next we giveing the students an introduction about Career Planning and, an overview of different educational and vocational courses available. This is followed by a brief Interest Schedule to give them an idea about their areas of interest.
Aptitude test
Aptitude is an inborn ability to do a certain kind of work it may be physical, mental, or individual underlying potential for acquiring skills. It characterizes an individual’s ability to perform in a specific area or to acquire the learning necessary for performance in a given area. An aptitude test measures the potential of one to achieve in a given activity or to learn to achieve in that activity.
It identifies potential abilities of which the individual may be unaware. It provides information to assist an individual in making educational and career decisions or other choices between competing alternatives. It is useful in grouping individuals with similar aptitudes for developmental and other educational purposes.
Personality test
It Personality test is a technique or method to assess human personality. Through this test, behavioral patterns can be measured which are dominant traits of the individual. These consistently appear in a variety of situations.
Purpose :
Personality plays an important role in individual, personal, educational, and vocational. It’s important to diagnose the individual’s personality pattern to see whether the person possesses the traits which are likely to contribute to various spheres of life.
Intelligence Test
Intelligence may be defined as the ability to learn, reason, judge, and adapt to meet the demands of the environment effectively. Intelligence test measures the capacity to make abstractions, to learn, and to deal with novel situations.
The goal of intelligence tests is to study mental development from infancy to old age. It determines the person’s intellectual potential. These tests help to know the mental level of a person and thus guide them accordingly.
Anxiety and depression :
Anxiety and depression are the most common illnesses. They are mental health disorders characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one’s daily activities. They can be treated, and the individuals can become better with the right guidance and techniques. It happens mainly when you’re suppressing your feelings, and you don’t know how to process emotions like anger or fear. It is when you need someone to listen to your thoughts, your silenced inner voice, and the way you feel things. If you’re struggling with anxiety, whether it’s chronic tension, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, or stress — he’d love to help you out.
A healthy relationship lays the foundation of a joyful, meaningful life. Such a relationship can be a source of love, pleasure, support, and excitement. However, it can also be a source of grief and anguish if it is heading in an unhealthy direction. Relationships are complex and exciting. We are often perplexed by the complexity of the relationships we have – be it with our family members or our society. Let us help you with handling relations with confidence. Whether you just want to deepen your tolerance for intimacy or learn how to manage difficult relationships – we love helping you out.
Dr. Harry is an expert in working with Trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), having years of in-depth study in this arena. Everyone has experienced some degree of trauma in their lives. While there are no objective criteria to evaluate which events will cause trauma, near-death experience, relational abuse, shame, bullying, or emotional neglect are some to name.
In addressing one’s Trauma, it is advantageous to take the help of an expert who knows how to move through emotions smoothly while also making you feel safe and empowered within the process. And the result is – a completely transformed LIFE.
Dr. Harry is an expert in working with Trauma and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), having years of in-depth study in this arena. Everyone has experienced some degree of trauma in their lives. While there are no objective criteria to evaluate which events will cause trauma, near-death experience, relational abuse, shame, bullying, or emotional neglect are some to name.
In addressing one’s Trauma, it is advantageous to take the help of an expert who knows how to move through emotions smoothly while also making you feel safe and empowered within the process. And the result is – a completely transformed LIFE.
Individual Psychotherapy
Individual therapy is useful for many types of situations that cause stress, anger, grief or conflict. In a comfortable, private setting, an individual and a therapist will explore many different important issues, including (but not limited to):
- Expression of thoughts and emotions
- Behavior patterns
- Problem solving
- Conflict resolution
- Strengths and weaknesses
Individual therapy may be short-term (focusing on immediate issues) or long-term (delving into more complex problems). The number of sessions and the frequency of appointments depends on the individual’s situation and the recommendations of the therapist.
Even if therapy cannot cure a condition, it can help people develop healthy coping skills. Determination to be active in therapy and healing is essential for meeting therapeutic goals and fostering a positive therapeutic relationship.
When a person in therapy is open and honest, therapists generally are better able to address each issue and adjust the treatment approach as needed. Going to therapy might feel difficult on some days. But, it is important to attend each session and complete any homework assigned. Being patient and sticking to the treatment plan can facilitate long-term success in therapy.
Individual therapy is an effective treatment for many types of mental, emotional and behavioral health issues. But, it can also help people who are facing difficult life situations, or would like to develop healthier, more functional personal habits.
Therapy sessions can provide these seven types of benefits and more:
- Adding to your support network
- Gaining a better understanding of yourself
- Learning how to handle emotions
- Identifying underlying causes of symptoms
- Providing coping strategies
- Managing symptoms
- Facilitating lifestyle changes
Whatever your issues may be, therapy can be a life-changing experience. Dr Sheetal Sharma provides mental and behavioral health services for individuals that work to improve overall wellness.